How do I edit a page in a course?
As an instructor, you can edit a page that you created.
As a student, you can create and edit a page that you created in a group.
By default, only instructors (teachers) can edit course pages. However, you can set a default preference for specific users to edit and contribute to the page in the Course Settings Course Details tab.
Open Pages

In Course Navigation, click the Pages link.
View Pages
Pages is designed to open to the front page for the course, if there is a front page selected. To select a page from the Pages Index, click the View All Pages button.
Edit Page

Click the Edit button.
Insert Link
In the Rich Content Editor, place your cursor where you wish to insert your file. You can add links to course, group, or user files. The name of the page will appear in the Rich Content Editor and flash yellow. Then the name will turn blue, indicating it is a link.
Insert Media
Click the Media icon. You can upload and embed media files from your computer or from Canvas.
- Media will be inserted at the location of your cursor in the Rich Content Editor.
- You can also upload and embed media files from external sources or YouTube.
Edit Content
Add or edit the content using the Rich Content Editor [1] or switch to the HTML Editor [2].
To change the editing permissions for the page, click the Users allowed to edit this page drop-down menu [3].
To add the page to student's to-do list, click the Add to student to-do checkbox [4].
You can schedule when a page will be published. Enter a date and time in the Publish At field [5]. Your page must be unpublished to schedule a publication date.
To assign specific sections or users for your page, set Availability dates for it, or assign it to Mastery Paths, click the Assign To link [6]. Learn more about page's assignment settings.
You can also notify users that content has changed by clicking the Notify users that this content has changed checkbox [7]. Only users that have the Course Content notification enabled will be notified of the change.
Save Page

Click the Save button.