How do I get to SpeedGrader from the Gradebook?
You can access an assignment in SpeedGrader directly from the Gradebook.
- SpeedGrader displays assignment submissions according to the current Gradebook settings for inactive enrollments and concluded enrollments.
- When a section filter is applied in the Gradebook, SpeedGrader also displays assignment submissions for the same section.
Open Gradebook

In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.
Open Assignment Menu

Hover over the assignment column header and click the Options icon.
Open SpeedGrader

Click the SpeedGrader link.
Select Student Group

If you have enabled the Launch SpeedGrader Filtered by Student Group setting, you must select a student group before launching SpeedGrader. To select a student group in the Gradebook, choose a student group in the Gradebook filters.