Canvas Guides (English)Canvas GuidesCanvas Instructor GuideQuizzesHow do I create a quiz with a question group to randomize quiz questions?

How do I create a quiz with a question group to randomize quiz questions?

You can create a quiz using a question group. Question groups allow you to place multiple questions within a group for students to answer. You can choose the number of questions that should be answered from the group and how many points to assign each question. Creating a question group randomizes questions within a quiz.

You can add questions to your question group in several ways:

  • Link to a question bank to reference all questions in a question bank
  • Add an individual question to create your own questions from scratch
  • Find questions to reference specific questions from a question bank


  • If you need your questions to appear in a specific order, do not place quiz questions inside a question group.
  • When the Disable Classic Quiz Creation feature option is enabled, you cannot create new Classic Quizzes. However, existing Classic Quizzes can continue to be edited, imported, and migrated to New Quizzes.

Open Quizzes

Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.

Add Quiz

Add Quiz

Click the Add Quiz button.

Select Quiz Engine

Select Quiz Engine

If your course has New Quizzes enabled, you must select a quiz engine.

Click the Classic Quizzes option [1].

Then click the Submit button [2].


Edit Quiz Details

Edit Quiz Details

In the Details tab, enter the name of your quiz [1]. In the Rich Content Editor [2], introduce your quiz with formatted text, images, video, or sample math equations. You can even use the media commenting tool to record an introduction to the quiz.

Complete the rest of the quiz details [3].

Add New Question Group

Add New Question Group

Click the Questions tab [1]. Click the New Question Group button [2].

Create Group Details

Create Group Details

Give your question group a name [1]. Quiz question groups are not automatically named for instructors. To add a custom name to your quiz question group, enter the name in the group text field. Custom names can help you identify quiz question groups more easily.

Regardless of the question group name, students always see quiz questions in numerical order (i.e. Question 1, Question 2).

Decide how many questions you want Canvas to randomly select from the group [2] and the number of points assigned to each question [3].

Note: Quiz point values support up to two decimal places. Entering more than two decimal places will round the point value to the nearest hundredth.

Link to a Question Bank

If you want to link a question bank to the question group, click the Link to a Question Bank link.

Note: If you set a question group to randomly select questions from the question bank, the question bank and questions will not be included in quiz exports. A QTI zip file will download the quiz details, but no questions will be included.

Create Group

Create Group

Click the Create Group button.

Add Individual Question to Group

Add Individual Question to Group

To add individual questions to the group, click the Add icon.

Find Questions from Question Bank

Find Questions from Question Bank

You can also find questions from an existing question bank and add them to the question group.

Modify Question Group

Modify Question Group

To change the number of questions to be picked from the group or to change the points assigned, click the Edit icon [1]. To delete the question group, click the Delete icon [2].

Note: Changes made to question groups do not save until the quiz is saved.

View Question Group Warning Message

View Question Group Warning Message

While creating a question group within the quiz, you may see a warning message indicating the question group is set to pick more questions than available. You can add more questions to the question bank you are pulling questions from or add individual questions until the amount of questions is greater or equal to the amount of questions being picked.

Note: This message will remain on the screen until you have saved the quiz.

Save Quiz

Save Quiz

Click the Save button to save your work and preview the quiz.

Note: You should not publish your quiz until it is your final product. If you are ready to publish your quiz and make it available to students, click the Save & Publish button.

Publish Quiz

Publish Quiz

To publish the quiz, click the Publish button [1].

To assign the quiz to everyone, a course section, or an individual student, click the Assign To button [2].

Note: Although you can make changes to the quiz after it is published, students who have already opened or completed the quiz will not see any of the changes, which may affect their grades.