How do I view content and student activity within a group as an instructor?
As an instructor, you can view what is happening in groups by viewing each user group. You can view student activity within the group and view group-created content. You can also access student groups to create group collaborations and add other group-specific content if necessary.
Open People

In Course Navigation, click the People link.
Visit Group Home Page
Next to the group name, click the Options menu [1]. Then click the Visit Group Homepage link [2].
View Group Home Page
As the instructor, you can view all of the student activity within the group by clicking any link in the Group Navigation Menu [1]. You can also participate in any content area in the group, such as creating a collaboration for the group or viewing a group discussion. However, you can still create collaborations and group discussions from the course. Group members can also create their own content for the group.
When viewing a student group, you can easily switch and view all groups within a group set by clicking the Switch Group link [2]. Also, instructors and student group leaders can view the Edit Group link [3], which allows quick access to edit the name of the group.
To return to the course home page, view the breadcrumbs link and click the name of the course [4].
Note: To expand or collapse the Group Navigation Menu, click the Menu icon [5]. When you choose to expand or collapse the Group Navigation menu, your preference is applied to all groups in which you are a member.