Canvas Guides (English)ImpactImpact GuideSub-AccountsHow do I know which sub-account a message belongs to?

How do I know which sub-account a message belongs to?

You can see which sub-account is assigned to messages in the Impact Dashboard from the messages table or the individual message settings.

Note: This feature is only available to Canvas customers.

Open Messages

Open Messages

In the Global Navigation, click the Messages link.

Message Table

Message Table

In the Manage Messages tab, click the Fields drop-down menu [1]. Click the Sub-account toggle [2] to display the sub-account field in the table.

Sub-account field

The Sub-account field is displayed, showing the association between each message and its linked sub-account(s).

Message Settings

Open Message

To view the sub-account linked to a specific message, locate and click the message you want to view.

View Sub-account Settings

In the sidebar, locate the Sub-account section. The message is assigned to the sub-account listed.