From Monitors to Reporting Templates

Reporting Templates allow you to group monitoring data together. These provide a hierarchical structure to roll up the detailed data derived from any individual monitors into manageable categories.

00:00:This guide will walk you through the process of Best Practices: From Monitors to Reporting Templates 00:07:To achieve clear visualization of generated data monitors are carefully 00:11:organized into out-of-the-box reporting templates these provide a hierarchical 00:15:structure of manageable monitor categories that gather and collate detailed data 00:19:generated by individual monitors. 00:23:The same monitor can exist in more than one monitor category inside reporting 00:27:templates. This is important as the same monitor can be added to reports 00:31:of different users each year instructor and student reports. 00:36:Thus data will be represented differently in the dashboard since each reporting. 00:40:Template is assigned to a certain user category. 00:44:When you create a new monitor, it is important to categorize it inside a reporting 00:48:template in your dashboard to ensure clear visualization of data among your user 00:52:categories. Uncategorized monitors. 00:54:Only display trigger numbers among all users after their creation date. 01:00:Careful naming of reporting templates and monitor categories facilitates your navigation 01:04:within the dashboard as only the name of reporting templates and monitor categories 01:09:display within your insights. 01:12:Insights display data based on the way reporting templates and monitor categories 01:16:are designed all monitor categories inside one user categories 01:20:report gathered data about this user categories activity within the learning application 01:24:and display data on insights. 01:28:The following is an example of the out-of-the-box instructor report and the insights 01:32:generated based on the structure of the report. Depending on their trigger 01:36:Behavior each monitor is assigned to a monitor subcategory. 01:40:Only one monitor resides under each category unless more than one monitor 01:44:demonstrates the same user activity for example monitors 01:48:that trigger when plus announcement button is clicked on the announcements page 01:52:users visit the new announcement page are added inside the same 01:56:monitor category called new announcement. 02:01:Tool categories are already applied to out-of-the-box reporting templates and monitor 02:05:categories with a specific Topic in case you use a certain tool 02:09:such as new quizzes. You may toggle on the new quizzes tool category 02:13:so that the respective monitor category and insights display within your dashboard. 02:19:This guide covered the best practices of monitors and reporting templates.

Reporting Templates

To achieve clear visualization of generated data, monitors are carefully organized into Out of the Box Reporting Templates. These provide a hierarchical structure of manageable monitor categories that gather and collate detailed data generated by individual monitors.

The same monitor can exist in more than one monitor category inside Reporting Templates. This is important, as the same monitor can be added to reports of different users (e.g., instructor and student reports). Thus, data will be represented differently in the dashboard, since each reporting template is assigned to a certain user category.

When you create a new monitor, it is important to categorize it inside a reporting template in your Dashboard to ensure clear visualization of data among your user categories. Uncategorized monitors only display trigger numbers among all users after their creation date.

Naming Recommendations

Careful naming of reporting templates and monitor categories facilitates your navigation within the Dashboard, as only the name of reporting templates and monitor categories display within your insights.

From Reporting Templates to Insights

Insights display data based on the way reporting templates and monitor categories are designed. All monitor categories inside one user category's report gather data about this user category's activity within the learning application and display data on Insights.

The following is an example of the Out of the Box Instructor report and the insights generated based on the structure of the report.

Depending on their trigger behavior, each monitor is assigned to a monitor (sub)category. Only one monitor resides under each category unless more than one monitor demonstrates the same user activity. For example, monitors that trigger when:

  • +announcement button is clicked on the Announcements page
  • Users visit the New announcement page

are added inside the same monitor category, called 'New announcement'.

The monitor category will display the total data gathered by both monitors. These will show up inside the Insights>Tool Adoption section inside the Dashboard, accordingly.

Note: Only reporting template monitor (sub)categories will be shown inside insights. Not individual monitors. Therefore, the last branch to expand in our Announcements example are the last subcategories: New announcement and View announcements.

Reports and Tool Categories

Tool categories are already applied to Out of the Box reporting templates and monitor categories with a specific topic. In case you use a certain tool, such as New Quizzes, you may toggle on the 'New Quizzes' tool category so that the respective monitor category and insights display within your Dashboard.