How do I close an Impact message?
Messages created in Impact display in your Learning Management System. There are multiple ways for users to close out of the messages and you can choose to reset message views so the message displays to users that have previously hidden the message.
Temporarily Close Messages

To temporarily close all message types, click on the X. This will temporarily close the message for users until their next new session.
Note: Pop-up messages take over the entire screen of the user and force them to close the message before proceeding.
Permanently Close Messages

To permanently close messages, users can select the Don't show this again checkbox [1] and then click the X [2]. This allows users to permanently close their messages and not see them again unless you reset message views.
Reset Message Views
Upon viewing messages, users can select to not view the message again. When you reset the message views this allows for the message to be viewed even if it is previously hidden from the user.
For more information on resetting message views, visit this guide, How do I reset message views?
What is considered a new session?
A new session starts when a user logs into the LMS system either for the first time or after a period of inactivity. The session ends when the user logs out or when the session times out.
New sessions also include:
- Closing the tab and opening a new one to sign in
- A new browser is opened
Note: Logging out and logging back in while in the same tab will still be considered the same session. If a message is temporarily closed, it will still be closed while in the same session.