How do I use the Impact integration in Canvas Studio LTI?
Impact integrates fully with Canvas Studio. Users who have access to both Canvas Studio and Impact can access the Impact integration in Canvas Studio.
The Impact integration allows users to customize in-app messaging, measure Canvas Studio adoption, and support Canvas Studio users.
- By default, the Canvas Studio Impact integration is enabled for accounts that have access to both Canvas Studio and Impact.
- You can view additional Canvas Studio resources such as campaigns and adoption reports in the Impact Dashboard.
Open Inline Editor
To open the Inline Editor in Canvas Studio, click the Inline Editor icon.
View Inline Editor Options

To launch the Inline Editor, click the Inline Editor icon [1].
To view the Content Library, click the Content Library icon [2].
To launch the Impact Dashboard, click the Impact Dashboard icon [3].
To view and manage Walkthroughs, click the Walkthroughs icon [4].
To close the Inline Editor, click the Close icon [5].
Note: You can select a Canvas Studio context using the Inline Editor. To select a Canvas Studio context displaying within Canvas, you must first select the Studio frame.
Open Support Center
To view the Support Center for Canvas Studio, click the Support button.