Canvas Guides (English)ImpactImpact GuideSub-AccountsHow are my walkthroughs visible to teacher and student user groups in sub-accounts?

How are my walkthroughs visible to teacher and student user groups in sub-accounts?

You can view sub-accounts associated with walkthroughs in the Impact Dashboard.

Note: This feature is only available to Canvas customers.

Open Walkthroughs

Open Walkthroughs

In Global Navigation, click the Walkthroughs link.

View Walkthroughs

View Walkthroughs

In the Manage Walkthroughs tab, click the Fields drop-down menu [1]. Click the Sub-account toggle [2] to display the sub-account field in the table.

Sub-account field

Sub-account field

The Sub-account field is displayed, showing the association between each walkthrough and its linked sub-account(s).